Program of Technical Intern Training for Foreign Nationals
The objective of the “Program of Technical Intern Training for Foreign Nationals” is to have workers from other countries acquire skills, etc., relating to Japanese industry, and for them to take advantage of the skills, etc., that they have acquired after their return to their home country, and to play an active role in the development of the industries of their home countries.
Your technical intern training will be implemented on the basis of a technical intern training plan prepared in advance by a technical intern training implementing organization. In order to be able to acquire the target skills, etc., in accordance with the plan, you should work on the technical intern training while diligently thinking about what you have to do on a daily basis.
(Technical intern training (i))
- Lectures through classroom studies after entry into Japan
- You should thoroughly familiarize yourself with life in Japan and the technical intern training program
- Subsequent start of technical intern training under a technical intern training implementing organization
Goal: Passing the Basic Level of the Trade Skills Test
(practical test and paper test)
(Technical intern training (ii))
- Aim to improve the skills, etc., you acquired through technical intern training (i)
Goal: Passing Level 3 of the Trade Skills Test (practical test)
You are required to return to your home country for at least one month prior to transferring to or within one year of beginning technical intern training (iii)
(Technical intern training (iii))
- This is the stage when you will try out the skills, etc., which you acquired through technical intern training (ii).
- You will then further refine your skills.
(After returning home)
Please cooperate with the follow-up survey!
A questionnaire will be sent to you after you have returned to your home country, so please tell us about your situation of employment after your return to your home country and about the state of use of the skills, technology and knowledge that you acquired in Japan.
* Goals (Type of Trade Skills Test (the goal) for each stage of the technical intern training.)
In order to engage in technical intern training (ii) or technical intern training (iii), you must pass the Trade Skills Test which has been specified in advance as the goal to be reached at the previous stage. Even if you fail the test once, you will have the chance to take the test again, so make sure you work on your technical intern training every day towards your goal.
(1) First year of the Technical Intern Training: “Technical Intern Training (i)”
For technical intern training (i), first there are lectures following entry into Japan. Through the lectures, you will be able to acquire the knowledge necessary to engage in technical intern training in Japan.
The specific content of the lectures is as follows:
- Japanese language
- Knowledge of general life in Japan
- Knowledge of the necessary laws in terms of the technical intern training
- Knowledge necessary to master the technical skills
After the lectures, you will acquire the skills, etc., under an employment contract with a technical intern training implementing organization.
If you plan to go on to technical intern training (ii), taking the practical test or paper test of the Trade Skills Test (or technical intern training evaluation examination) is compulsory, so you need to aim to pass the basic level (or beginner’s level).
(2) Second Year and Third Year of the Technical Intern Training: “Technical Intern Training (ii)”
In principle, for technical intern training (ii), you will continue to acquire the skills, etc., with the same implementing organization in order to further master the skills etc., acquired in technical training (i).
On completing technical intern training (ii), taking the practical test of the Trade Skills Test (or technical intern training evaluation examination) is compulsory, so you need to aim to pass Level 3 of the Trade Skills Test (or specialized level).
(3) Fourth Year and Fifth Year of the Technical Intern Training: “Technical Intern Training (iii)”
Technical intern training (iii) is the stage of increasing proficiency in the skills, etc., acquired in technical intern training (ii), and you will engage in technical intern training under an excellent supervising organization and implementing organization.
If you go on to technical intern training (ii) from technical intern training (i), you must, in principle, continue with the technical intern training under the same implementing organization, but if you go on to technical intern training (iii), it is possible for you, the technical intern trainee, to choose the implementing organization yourself without being restricted to the implementing organization which was responsible up until technical intern training (ii).
In addition, if you intend to go on to technical intern training (iii), you must return to your home country for at least one month prior to or within one year of the start of the next technical intern training. If you go on to technical intern training (iii), you will be leaving your home country for a maximum of five years, so please reconnect with your home country, such as by seeing your family.
On completing technical intern training (iii), taking the practical test of the Trade Skills Test (or technical intern training evaluation examination) is compulsory, so you need to aim to pass Level 2 of the Trade Skills Test (or advanced level).
If you change the implementing organization in technical intern training (iii), you will be required to apply to the supervising organization to seek employment, but if there is something you do not understand, please feel free to consult OTIT or to ask for consultation in your native language.
(4) Transition to “Specialized Skilled Worker (i)”
If you have satisfactorily completed technical intern training (ii), you are exempt from taking the Trade Skills Test or Japanese Language Proficiency Exam in order to transition to Specialized Skilled Worker (i).
Specialized Skilled Worker (i) is one of the residence statuses for working in Japan that started in April 2019
- 18歳以上であること
- 本国に帰国後、修得等をした技能等を要する業務に従事することが予定されていること
- 本邦において従事しようとする業務と同種の業務に外国において従事した経験を有すること又は従事することを必要とする特別な事情があること
- 技能実習生が国籍又は住所を有する国又は地域の公的機関から推薦を受けること
- 同じ技能実習の段階に係る技能実習を過去に行ったことがないこと
- 技能実習3号の場合にあっては、第2号終了後に1ヶ月以上、又は第3号開始後1年以内に1ヶ月以上1年未満帰国していること
① 技能実習指導員を配置(受入れ職種・作業に対して5年以上経験の有る常勤者)
② 生活指導員を配置(日本での生活、習慣、交通ルール、ゴミの出し方等の指導)
③ 実習生のための宿泊施設の提供(借上げアパート可。占有面積一人3畳以上、キッチン、風呂、トイレ)
④ 実習生のための生活必需品の準備
⑤ 労働安全衛生法に定めている安全衛生上必要な措置を講じた実習施設の確保と整備
⑥ 実習生の万一の病気や不慮の事故に備えた保障措置の確保
⑦ 技能実習計画に基づいた実習の実施、入管法等各法令の遵守、技能実習記録の作成など
- 外国人技能実習事業及び職業紹介事業の説明と確認。
- 受入れ希望の職種・作業の確認。
- 受入れ予定の実習生に対する求人内容の確認。
- 派遣国で、送出し機関・組合(監理団体)・受入れ企業も同行の上最終合格者を決定。
- 書類選考・筆記試験・実技試験・面接試験。
- 最終合格者とその家族を招いて、受入れ企業と雇用契約締結及び家族懇談会を開催。
- 派遣国で、実習生は査証発行までの期間、日本語・生活一般・技能修得に関する知識の修得活動を行う。
- 在留資格取得後、現地日本大使館へ招聘書を提出し査証を取得して来日。
- 日本国入国後すぐに、実習生は約1ヶ月間、日本語・生活一般・法的保護・技能修得に関する知識の修得活動を行う。
- 講習終了後、各受入れ企業へ配属。
- 雇用保険・厚生年金・健康保険に加入。
- 約11ヶ月間の技能実習1号ロを通して技術・技能・知識を修得。
- 技能検定(基礎2級等)試験の対策
- 技能実習2号ロへ移行希望申請書を作成・提出。
- 技能検定受験会場まで送迎及び付き添い。
- 技能検定(基礎2級等)を受験し、合格者は技能実習2号ロへと移行。
- 約2年間の技能実習2号ロを通して技術・技能・知識を習熟。
- 技能実習2号ロ終了後、帰国。
- 元の職場で習得した技術・技能・知識を活かし、派遣国の産業発展に寄与。
- ⑤から⑦にかけて、組合担当者と指導員兼通訳が巡回(定期)訪問し、受入れ企業の適正な技能実習の相談、援助及び指導監理。
- タイムカード・給料明細・通帳・技能実習記録の確認。